d4d lab

colors and type treatment

When Jasmine and I were gathering up all the content for the site and reviewing the photos from the trip we were blown away by the vibrant colors of Mexico. So naturally the site is going to be colourful – drawing from the brightly colored flowers and painted buildings....
Date :10 Apr
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Date :10 Apr
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website kick-off

The mint in mexico website is underway. I am recruiting a few classmates to help me develop a user friendly site that will be a combo of CSS and FLASH. The site will explain how MINT became involved with the Mexico projects, and what we learned during our visit. It will contain...
Date :10 Apr
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MINTinMexico site coming soon

Hey guys and gals, The actually MINT IN MEXICO site is coming soon. check it out I am edited down the photos and video from our trip now. Check back for an update next Wednesday (April, 11).
Date :09 Apr
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