d4d lab

organic farming in noh-bec

Narayan Ghiotti and I met with Gualberto Cazanova in Noh-Bec, Quintana Roo to talk about the next phase of the “pixan” project. Narayan will be working with Gualberto in the field (literally) and it will be an opportunity for learning and exchange. I’m very...
Date :15 Jul
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thick descriptions

The term was used by the anthropologist Clifford Geertz in his The Interpretation of Cultures (1973) to describe his own method of doing ethnography (Geertz 1973:5-6, 9-10). Since then, the term and the methodology it represents have gained currency in the social sciences and...
Date :17 Feb
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february 2009 fieldwork

Arrived in Cancún yesterday afternoon. It was a good trip – smooth, uneventful in terms of travel, and very pleasant. I attribute much of this to such a good group of people.
Date :07 Feb
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