JULY 2010: Pixan, an organic farm-centric project in Noh-Bec, Quintana Roo. Last year Laila Simonovsky designed Pixan’s identity mark in collaboration with organic farmer/d4d partner Gualberto Cazanova with the support of the University of Florida University Scholars grant.
In 2010 Narayan Ghiotti received a University Scholars grant to continue working on this project. He’s working on design strategy and we’ll see what intangibles and tangibles emerge. Today we met with Gualberto to talk about the next phase of the “pixan” project. Narayan will be working with Gualberto in the field (literally) and it will be an opportunity for learning and exchange. I’m very pleased with this connection and happy to see this greeted with so much enthusiasm by everyone.
For more on the region see Wikipedia.
D4D is a lab for codesigning with people in communities, valuing situated knowledge, and seeking to where and in ways not traditionally available to those who are trained as designers. Founded by Maria Rogal, its purpose now is to foster horizontalidad within design education and practice in order to aid students and designers to expand their knowledge base, skill sets, and mindset to approach our work with respect, reciprocity, and humility, decentering design. Since 2003, Maria’s design research has incorporated codesign and dialogue in an ongoing effort to address power imbalances, particularly among Indigenous and marginalized communities.