d4d lab

Cumple su “dulce sueño”

Jueves, 13 de junio de 2013, Diario de Yucatán. El presidente de la empresa Cab Balam, SPR, profesor Abelardo Balam Chi, de la comisaría meridana de Xcucul, recibió de manos de Cristina Acevedo Hernández, coordinadora de inocuidad alimentaria de la Fundación México-Estados Unidos...
Date :02 Jul
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The Birds and the Bees and the GMOs

Honey produced by thousands of Mexican beekeepers is at serious risk of contamination from genetically modified soybeans. Producers have called for a new model of social production.
Date :02 Jul
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Kanan Honey Update

In the summer of 2012 we began working on a new project with Cooperativa Lol-Balché and several other honey cooperatives. This newly formed organization, KANAN HONEY, is one of five established honey cooperatives (60+ beekeepers) in the state of Yucatán, México and...
Date :23 Feb
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kanan honey survey

Please take this survey. It is for our work with Maya Honey cooperatives in MX. Please take a moment to look over the survey and give us feedback on the designs. It is for a good cause and we need your help, feel free to send this survey link to friends. It is moving forward fast...
Date :26 Jun
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kanan honey / miel kanan

This summer we’re working on a project with Fundación Mexico-Estados Unidos para la Ciencia (FUMEC) to develop a union of local honey cooperatives so they can market their honey in México and the US. This project is informed by our earlier project with Lol-Balché in Santa...
Date :18 May
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lol-balché honey

We began to work with Cooperativa Lol-Balché, a 41-member cooperative in Santa Elena, Yucatán in late 2006. In addition to selling wholesale, some members wanted to bring a percentage of their honey direct to market. This decision came at a pivotal stage in their growth and...
Date :21 Oct
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reading: entrepreneurship, honey

>When Chocolate Is a Way of Life  A group of cacao farmers in Ecuador have become the world’s most unusual chocolate entrepreneurs by making and marketing their own chocolate. All About Bees Green Porno from the Sundance Channel Haagen Dazs: Help the Honey Bees Imagine a world...
Date :06 Nov
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learning about honey in yucatán

¬ View the first round of labels for Lol-Balché honey. ¬ Contact Maria Rogal for more information on the design documents We began to work with Cooperativa Lol-Balché, a 41-member cooperative in Santa Elena, Yucatán in late 2006. In addition to selling wholesale, some members...
Date :27 Jul
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honey bee crisis in the US

CBS Television program “60 Minutes” has an excellent segment on the honey bee crisis in the US. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of approximately 1/3 of US crops. They are the “unsung heroes” of agriculture according to host Steve Croft....
Date :30 Oct
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honey labels

Over the summer, we put together a mini-site to get feedback on the project labels. Click here to visit the site. We received some great comments and appreciate the feedback, which we incorporated into revisions. We’ve not yet posted these because of the changes I mentioned...
Date :16 Oct
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honey update

It’s been a while since we’ve updated our blog and a lot of changes have happened. During the summer, the honey project expanded to include three other cooperatives in the state. This is really exciting because the project has the impact to benefit more people. An...
Date :16 Oct
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Some Label Samples

The Citrus group has been working hard at revising the designs for the orange juice labels. Here are some examples of their work:
Date :16 Apr
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