d4d lab

Paul Polak: Out of Poverty
Kala Raksha Preservation of Traditional Crafts (India)
William McDonough
Ashoka: Social Entrepreneurship/Innovators for the Public
Skoll Foundation: Celebrating and Collecting Social Entrepreneurs
Partners of the Americas
Agricultural Project Case Studies
Gender and Equality
– Agriculture and Environment Web Links
Norsk Form (a project of the Norwegian Government)
Zumos Project with Norsk Form + Ecotourism Component
Design for Social Impact
Nest – website supporting women artisans in developing countries
Proud Mary
Proud Mary on Design Sponge
Cradle to Cradle Certification
Funding Resources: Skoll Foundation
Building Brands in Rural Tourism (Norway)
Design without Borders (belief that design and designers can make a significant contribution towards a better and more sustainable society.)
Fair Trade – FLO-Cert (information on fair trade certification)

Zumos weaving group from San Juan La Laguna
Zumos, San Juan La Laguna (about the community)