some reading of note – on chronological order. it is an incomplete list.
Chilisa, B. (2012) Indigenous Research Methodologies. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
Corona Berkin, S. (2019) Producción horizontal del conocimiento. Bielefeld, Germany: Bielefeld University Press. ISBN: 978-3-8394-4974-5 open source download
Freire, P., (2010) Pedagogy of the oppressed. New rev. 30th-Anniversary ed. New York: Continuum.
Tuhiwai Smith, L. (2012) Decolonizing Methodologies. 2nd Edition. London, Zed Books.
Wilson, S. (2008) Research as Ceremony. Halifax, Canada, Fernwood Publishing.
pre 2019
Cross, Nigel. 2006. Designerly ways of knowing. London: Springer.
Design thinking for innovation
Tim Brown – IDEO: Design Thinking
Maria Rogal: 12 thoughts on working with communities
Design for the other 90%
Paul Polak: Out of Poverty
Paul Polak: 12 Steps out of poverty (You Tube)
Paul Theroux and Paul Krugman on Tavis Smiley (PBS) – on the economy and travel
William McDonough: Design for the Triple Top Line
Eco-Africa: Going Beyond Business (Businessweek)
Ashoka’s Print Room (collected articles)
see Social Entrepreneurship: Towards an Entrepreneurial Culture for Social and Economic Development
Skoll Foundation: Marketing & Communication for Social Entrepreneurs
see discussions on storytelling
Business of Fair Trade
Expert Advice (on many issues)